Minuto Cash Wiki

Regional currency, self-created, for all regions

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Info material

Here are handouts and other materials to promote Minuto.


Here you will find a double-sided Minuto template as a sample to print and cut out. So you have finished (sample) Minuto vouchers for yourself or others to get a feel for the vouchers.

Paper format File
A4 Download (PDF) - in German


Here is a flyer about Minuto from 2020. Print on both sides of an A4 sheet and cut out and you have 2 times an flyer in A5 format.

Paper format File
A4 Download (PDF) - in German


Here is probably one of the first flyers about Minuto. This old flyer is from the original project page https://minutocash.org

Paper format File
A4 Download (PDF) - in German


There is no official Minuto logo. Here we collect logos from contributors for your personal use and inspiration:

Image Description File format File
Minuto logo 2022 by David: 1.) full logo, 2.) symbol only, in various sizes PNG Download (ZIP)
Minuto logo 2022 by David: 1.) full logo, 2.) symbol only, vector graphic SVG Download (ZIP)
minuto-logo-inofficial-180x157.jpg Minuto logo by ? JPG Download (ZIP)


Do you run a website? Add a Minuto web badge – aka pixel button or antipixel – to the footer of your website you show your friends that you like or use Minuto, that you are a Minuto group or that you/your business accepts Minuto. Or use a web badge as a clickable button that will take your friends to this Minuto wiki or to the multilingual Minuto portal.

To download a badge, right-click on the respective image and select “Save image as…”. Next, upload it to your website and optionally add a link to the Minuto wiki or portal to help your visitors get more information on Minuto.

Minuto accepted Minuto Cash Minuto fan  Minuto friend  Minuto group Minuto lover Minuto nerd Minuto user minuto.org Minuto welcome Donate Minutos minuto.wiki

Create your own web badges online with this button maker by Adam Kasley.


These QR codes contain the Internet address of the multilingual Minuto portal or Minuto wiki. You can download the graphic file with a right-click and “Save file…” and attach it to the relevant printed materials and advertising materials. Customers and interested parties who have a QR reader app (software for reading such codes) on their smartphone can take a picture of it and obtain information about Minuto directly on the Internet using the Internet address obtained.

Image Description File format
www.minuto.org Generates the Internet address of the Minuto info portal: https://www.minuto.org PNG
www.minuto.wiki Generates the Internet address of the Minuto Wiki: https://www.minuto.wiki PNG

On the Internet you can find generators that allow you to create a QR code for your own web address.


Part of these documents are copylefted under the Free Art Licence 1.1 (in German) which grants you use rights and forbids proprietization. In short, it gives you the freedom to copy, distribute and modify and your modified work must be copylefted too attributing it to you as the author and providing access to previous versions of the work (at “www.minuto.wiki”) when possible.

en/informational-material.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/28 18:32 by david